Let’s Cook Up Some Enerjoy!
Hi there, and welcome! I’m Kate Percy, best-selling author, cook, food for fitness expert and children’s healthy eating campaigner.
I’m here to inspire and help you discover what I call Enerjoy!
Dive in to explore my Enerjoy! packed recipes and get advice on how to nourish yourself and your active family. Cook up some Enerjoy! with me in the kitchen on one of my cooking courses, if you like, too. Real, home-cooked food which tastes great, puts a smile on the face of friends and family and delivers the right type of get-up-and-go energy. Just what you and your family need to Enerjoy! Your Life.
Nourishing Active, Hungry Families
With over 30 years of experience as a working Mum of three very active kids, and almost 2 years as a Granny, I’ve done my time down in the trenches of parenthood!
I’m not saying I’ve got it all right, but I have gained a treasure chest of wisdom over the years.
So grab your apron, come into my kitchen and let’s cook up some Enerjoy!
Trending Recipes

Nourishing Busy, Active Families
Discover delicious recipes, nutrition tips, and special offers. Don’t miss out on Kate’s latest healthy eating guides and family meal plans.
Healthy Eating Campaigns
Nutritious Recipe Books
Family Nutrition Advice
Fuel for Active Lives

Reach out to Kate
Got questions or need advice? Feel free to reach out. I’m here to help!